Programming for Noobs
PYTHON Quiz 7 Answers
This article only attempts to discover some questions that can be generated
in PYTHON for Engineering with the answer to all these questions. There can be
some errors to these answers. If you find any error then please
do write to us.
Q1. Naming convention of a module of a python file is?
1.All names should be lower case
2.Under score can be used
3.Should be short
4.All of the above
Reason: module is a file containing python definitions and
statement modules should have short ,all lowercases names ,underscores can be
used in the module name
Programming for Noobs
Programming for Noobs
Q2. The following code is saved in a file (using python 3.X version):
def print hello ():
print ('Hello')
Now consider the following interaction on Python console, assuming is
in the current directory where the console is invoked:
>>> import hello
>>> hello.print_hello ()
What will be the output of the code?
1.hello is a keyword in python, so it will produce error
2.'Hello' will be printed (without quotes)
3.Nothing will be printed
4.We cannot import a .py file
Reason: Nothing will be printed because there is no print
statement after importing the module
Programming for Noobs
Programming for Noobs
Q3. class hello:
def __init__(self,a='Visit website'):
def display(self):
return 0
print( obj.display() )
1.The program has an error because constructor can’t have default arguments
3.'Visit website' is displayed
4.The program has an error because display function doesn’t have parameters
Reason: The program gives the output is 0, the attribute of
‘hello’ object is provided by the return value 0 is assign the object ‘a’ and
the program print the value 0 correct output .
Programming for Noobs
Programming for Noobs
Q4. class test:
def __init__(self,x=''):
def display(self):
1.Executes normally and doesn’t display anything
2.Displays 0, which is the automatic default value
3.Error as display function requires additional argument
4.None of the above
Reason: The program is provided an attribute error ‘test’ object has no attribute
So ,error as at least one
argument is required while creating an object
Programming for Noobs
Programming for Noobs
Q5. What does
Instantiation mean in terms of Object-Oriented Programming?
1.Deleting an instance of class
2.Creating an instance of class
3.Copying an instance of class
4.Modifying an instance of class
Reason: Instantiating a class is creating copy of the
class ,to instantiating a class we simply call the class as if it were function
, passing the argument that the _init_ method defines
Programming for Noobs
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